WOMEN IN BATH is a safe space where women rekindle their feminine fire. In a series of five sessions, a group of 40 women undergo a transformative theatrical journey, while lying in transparent bathtubs, guided by theatre performers: Adelheid Roosen, Anna Drijver, Nazmiye Oral, Naomi van der Linden and directed by ‘the empress of theatrical fantasy’ Ola Mafaalani. ...
Unique live online film experience Have you ever had the feeling that there are two people living inside you who respond to the challenges you face in completely different ways? In the satirical music theatre piece "Kurt Weill: The Seven Deadly Sins," a ballet chanté in nine scenes, star soprano Eva-Maria Westbroek and renowned actress Anna Drijver embody two sides...
Borgen shows how a prime minister rises to power and how power changes a prime minister. The drama series performed a wonderful tour, sold out, received great critical acclaim, and garnered various nominations at theatre festivals. With "Borgen," Mafaalani introduced a new live genre: binge-watching in theatre, which lasted for 9 hours.